Welcome to The Sugar Free Revolution

The Real Meal Revolution’s Beginner Banting Course

Hi Everyone, I am really excited to announce my collaboration with the Jonno Proudfoot and Prof Tim Noakes from The Real Meal Revolution for The Beginner Banting Online Course. Screen Shot 2015-04-08 at 5.58.36 PM The course runs over six weeks and covers Low Carb High Fat/Banting lectures, videos, recipes and information presented by Prof Tim Noakes and Jonno. You can also track your meals, record your weight loss and join the supportive (and private) online forum moderated by nutritional coaches. In addition to this we will also be including sugar/food addiction modules and lectures which will help you address the underlying issues relating to overeating and comfort eating.

Couch time with Jonno.

Couch time with Jonno.

I have no doubt that this course will assist you in laying a very firm foundation to leading a happy, healthy and empowered life. You can join here. I hope to see you there! xxx Karen

25 Responses to “The Real Meal Revolution’s Beginner Banting Course”

  1. lindieclaassens

    Hi Karen, my Sugar Free arrived today. I am so grateful and excited to start my sugar free (addiction free) journey. Addiction is very real and has been part of my life ever since I can remember. I would really like to do the Banting Online course to learn to break the chain of addiction. I want to teach my family how important it is to take care of themselves and most importantly love themselves. I believe that this online course will give me the tools and knowledge I need for making a difference in my home, family and community.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Gerdalize Bukes

    Hi Karen, I start so good and have good intentions but weekends is a real struggle for me. I also like to have ideas for lunch boxes for school everything has sugar in


  3. Rene van der Schyff

    I would give 300% if you choose me to do the online banting programme.


  4. Aleesa shepheard

    It starts with me… once i learn how to eat i can teach my kids and husband too!


  5. Gill

    I have lost 56 kg over the past few years of which the last year was due to Banting. I have a fairly good knowledge of what’s works and what doesn’t work for myself, but would love to learn more about the why and how’s to really cement my new lifestyle. I have a passion to motivate and support new Banters, and this new found knowledge from your course will help me achieve this. Thank you for all you do for the Banting community xoxo


  6. Lisa

    I tried to do the banting on my own, but must be doing something wrong. I have no gallbladder and did not feel good on it.

    I’m 43 and very obese, so is my husband (48) and one daughter (16 weighing in at 92). Two younger kids 12 and 9. I desperately need help as I can’t do thos on my own.


    • Lisa

      O yes I’m a sugar addict, but now my body is protesting. Not that easy to stop though.


  7. Annamarie

    It is my dream to work with people and to help them to make better food choices, so if I win this course that will be be exactly what I would do for people 👏👏👏


  8. Linda Booysen

    Hi Karen I stopped smoking 15 years ago and I think that was easier than quiting sugar. Suddenly since reading your articles I have more cravings for sweets and starch also with the winter coming its almost as if I want to stock up. …………
    I list 10kg last year by just having my coffee black and cutting out starch of my dieet, so I do agree with everyone that says its not fat that makes you fat it definitely is SUGAR. Interresting if you look at the prices for artificial sweetner and sugar……. sweetners have become very expensive.

    I would love to have one if your books but might have to wait until it is a little bit more affordable for me, or for someone to bless me with one..
    Thank you for sharing your God given wisdom with us.


  9. Elsabe

    I have been unsuccessfully trying to bant for 6 months. I am desperate to loose 40 kilograms before I turn 50 and I need to loose the weight to relieve pressure abd pain of my knee to prevent immediate need for a total knee replacement.


  10. Cheryl

    I would love to do the course to get myself on tracķ with my banting journey, as a single mom, i am desperately trying to do this on a budget but am battling, need as much info as possible.


  11. Michelle Ingram

    My family and i started banting a week ago. My husband and I are very excited and enthusiastic about it. Our 8 year old daughter is much less so as she is always looking out for treats and sweets and what ever is not very good….so she is having a hard time to the point of declaring that she hates banting…
    Would love some advice, tips and encouragement.

    Thanks and Regards

    Michelle Ingram


    • Karen Thomson

      Dear Michelle,
      I can so relate to this. I have 6 and 8 year old boys and the older one really struggled with the transition. I declared our house a Sugar Free zone meaning we have no processed, junk food, refined sugar or sweets at home. At home we eat real food. Outside the house I have little control and they are allowed to eat sweets etc at parties or other events. The amazing thing is that they are now making more responsible choices on their own as their taste buds have definitely changed.

      I also explained to them that sugar is not good for their brain or body and they seemed to appreciate this explanation.It took a couple of weeks for them to adjust but the difference in their behaviour has been remarkable.

      I hope this helps and would love to hear how its going.

      All the best,


  12. lee jooste

    I’m from SA and read all the good comments of people that had life changing results…I’ve tried banting for a week but fell back to my addiction (bread, patatoes, chips) with a bang and worse than ever.
    I’m so fed up with myself.
    This live style looks so easy but my addiction won’t let me it’s worse than any street drug (I can imagine)….
    Plz help me


  13. Mandi Gist-Mcdonald

    I have been doing the banting diet now for over 3 weeks now and I am feel great, since I started stopped taking sugar and trying 2 cut the milk which is still work in progress… I am happy I am doing the Banting…


    • Karen Thomson

      Hi Mandi,

      Thank you so much for your comment! So pleased that this lifestyle is working for you!

      Please keep me posted.
      xxx Karen


  14. Gerdalize

    hi Karen WOW!! what a revelation on the sugar addiction……… it been haunting me since I saw you on Kwela!! just this morning in gym on the spinning bike I thought of it again, how am I going to kick this nasty habit, i start on a Monday every week and buy Saturday the old sugar junkie goes to the kitchen raid the cupboards or store to just get sugar in my blood….. and i really don’t know how to stop…. i am thinking of pills but that not a healthy option…. please i would love the join your programme to learn and to kick it and help others too



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